Become a member of The Arc!

Benefits of Membership

  • Automatic Membership in The Arc of Indiana and The Arc of the United States.
  • Publications from The Arc of Tippecanoe County, The Arc of Indiana and The Arc of the United States.
  • Opportunities to contribute time and talent through volunteering.
  • Participation in the affairs of local, state and national chapters of The Arc.
  • Representation in local, state, and national policy forums.
  • It's Free!
  • New Member Renewing Member
    Spouse: (For Family Memberships)

    I am a: (Please check all that apply.)
    Person with a disability. Family member of a person with a disability.
    Professional who works in the disability field. Other:

    Indicate the age of the person with a disability:
    0-12 13-24 25-34 35-44
    45-54 55-64 65+

    Solely to let us know that we are serving our entire comunity, please check below: (optional)
    American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander Black/African American
    Caucasian Hispanic Other

    What type of membership would you like?
    Self Advocate Membership Individual Membership Family Membership

    Would you like more information about our programs? (select all that apply)
    Adult Recreation (monthly events for adults with disabilities)
    Aktion Club (Kiwanis Club for adults with disabilities)
    Best Buddies (pairs a Purdue student and an adult with disabilities for friendship)
    Camp SPARKS (summer day camp for children with disabilities)
    Super Star Social Club Jr. (monthly events for kids with disabilties -- for 2nd through 5th graders)
    Super Star Social Club Sr. (monthly events for teens with disabilities -- High School and Middle School ages)

    Contact Us
    PO Box 1222
    Lafayette, IN 47902-1222

    The Arc of Tippecanoe County is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.